The paper is the result of a large-scale survey based on interviews with 66 sheep farmers from the Colombian high tropic (HT). The goal was to provide a description of the administrative and marketing process in HT sheep systems. The systems were stratified according to the production target; means, standard deviations and frequencies were calculated for the most informative variables using the SAS V.9.1 program. The farms are distributed in the HT meat and wool (59%), HT genetics and meat (24 %) and HT meat (17%) systems. Organizational processes in the TA ovine systems analyzed have had a low development. Strategic planning tools and animal identification and registration systems are used less frequently and to a lesser degree of specialization. The low administrative control of HT ovine systems demonstrates the need to implement technical assistance, research and extension programs, where farmers develop skills for the projection of management and market indicators. The critical marketing factors of products of ovine origin in Colombia require intervention through the construction of value chains that stimulate demand growth, policy development and market regulation, control of product price and quality. The active participation of the farmers through value-added products is essential, as it ensures an increased household income and employment.