Improving public health through a proper education is one of the main concerns of veterinary as a profession, which has promoted the generation of international initiatives and projects, such as the Sapuvetnet network, where one of the main objectives is to develop new teaching methods in the field of veterinary public health. The case study methodology in the Sapuvetnet network has not been evaluated from the perspective of students’ perceptions, which is why this article presents the findings from a pilot case study that aimed to evaluate students’ perception of using the case study methodology in the Public Health course offered by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at La Salle University. The Students Perception Questionnaire (CPE-2011) was built and validated for the purposes of collecting information, which proved to be useful and satisfactory in terms of internal consistency and reliability and determined that the perception of participating students was favorable in regards to the interest, difficulty, duration and usefulness of the case study methodology.