Learning through Play: Using Gamification Techniques in Learning Environments


This paper describes the use of a technique known as gamification for learning a second language (English). The new developments in information technology, the proliferation of the use of social networks, in addition to the massification of smartphones and tablets are considered as technology enablers that have propitiated the conditions that have made it possible to implement this technique in learning environments. The article presents a brief review of the related literature, describes the tool used, the Duolingo™ platform, and, finally, leaves open the discussion on the potential uses of this technique in academic environments, without ignoring the possible applications in companies and the public sector. According to the mission objective of the University, we found that the progress and innovations in the field of gamified education are critical to increase efficiency in the educational process and also to encourage the commitment of our teachers and students. This article is the first in a series of products associated with the implementation of games in the development of academic spaces.
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Second language
Learning environments