Vol. 5 No. 1 (2012)
Gestión y Sociedad


Organization, Structure and Human Capital in SMEs from the Manufacturing Sector: Analysis from Case Studies
Olga L. Díaz Villamizar, Carlos A. Escobar Otero, Marleny Cardona Acevedo (Author)
31 - 42
Provision of Services for SMEs. Theoretical Foundations for the University’s Social Responsibility Model from the Management and Accounting Sciences Department at La Salle University
Nelson Andrés Molina Roa, Omar Andrés Sierra Morales, Víctor José Rodríguez Restrepo, José Rodrigo Mondragón Ávila (Author)
55 - 71
SMEs in the Services Sector in Bogotá: Approaches to a Characterization
Erika Emilcen Buchelli Aguirre, Paola Ruiz Gómez (Author)
73 - 81
Employees’ Fund: Solidary Organizational Model for the Provision of Services
Fernando Ángel Lhoeste, Luz Marina Torres Alfonso, Miguel Cuervo Rojas, Paola Ruiz Gómez (Author)
83 - 93
Educational Services as a Strategic Factor for the New World. A Glance at Regional Strategies
Giovanny F. Benavides, Luis Alberto Sarmiento Velásquez (Author)
95 - 114
Relationship between the Agrarian Structure and the Dairy Production Chain
Yolanda Álvarez, Jorge Saiz, Alberto Herrera, Dagoberto Castillo Reyes, Rubén Darío Dïaz (Author)
117 - 132
Business Plan: a Future Option for the Lasallian Business Administrator
Diego Rafael Roberto Cabrera Moya, Carlos Arturo Hastamory Rubiano (Author)
163 - 175
How to Support Entrepreneurship among Displaced People
Jorge Alberto Gámez Gutiérrez (Author)
177 - 192
How Should the Exercise of Social Responsibility Be in Universities?
Víctor José Rodríguez Restrepo, Sandra Yamile Larrota Castro (Author)
193 - 203


Las mipymes y el sector servicios
Álvaro Andrés Hamburger Fernández (Author)
9 - 12