Phenomenology and the creation of poetry offer ways to understand life different from the one proposed by sciences or conventional knowledge. Phenomenology and poetry send us to a universe of different horizons and layers where it is possible to find and discover essential truths about the being and his existence. This possibility to find transcendental truths that enriches human knowledge over the place and the role of men in life (Lebenswelt) is a primordial event where language establishes new forms of expression and comprehension from such world. The first part of this work shows some of the basic categories from phenomenology: conscience, intuition, experiences, natural attitude and phenomenological attitude. Multiple horizons of comprehension from the poetic phenomenon arise in the second part, with the original dimension in the language. The third part uncovers meeting points that form the essential tissue where conclusions are built and where an inevitable proximity between phenomenology universes and poetry will be indicated as essential fields of human experience and of the senses that emerge in all horizons of experience.