No. 14 (2010)


Revista Épsilon (Author)
7 - 8


Analysis of Alternatives in an Hydra ulic Model to Mitigate the Erosion Caused by Chocho River
Luis Efrén Ayala Rojas, Luis Alberto Botía Morales, Jhon Reinaldo Jaimes Huérfano, Wílmar Francisco Roncancio Sánchez (Author)
9 - 20
Production of Ethanol from Waste Vegetables from a Warehouse
Elsa Beatriz Fonseca Santanilla, Gerson Aurelio Maturana Moreno (Author)
21 - 31
Routing Protocol for Civil System Monitoring
Harold Enrique Castro Barrera, Miguel Saumett León (Author)
33 - 43
Evaluation of a goat meat product by substituing its fat
Andrea del Rocio Ninco Cardozo, Leidy Paola Cuasquer Arias, Sandra Milena Bonilla Casas, María Beatriz Carrero Bustos, Javier Francisco Rey Rodríguez (Author)
59 - 67
Exploratory study on project planning and control for small an medium size construction firms
Rómel Gilberto Solís Carcaño, José Antonio de Jesús González Fajardo, Carlos Mario Alcudia Velázquez (Author)
83 - 92
Haiti earthquake: seismological issues
Andrés José Alfaro Castillo, Rene van Hissenhoven (Author)
115 - 122
Sismo de Haití: implicaciones
Raúl Fernando Proaño López (Author)
123 - 124