A study was carried out to evaluate carcass yield of retail meat from culling zebu cows (n=21) ages ranging 36 to 55 months old. Cows arrived to Bogotá Guadalupe slaughterhouse from East Mountainplans humid tropic Colombia. Final weight FW was taken in slaughterhouse after hauling. Carcass cows were weighted Hot Carcass Weight HCW and Cold Carcass Weight CCW (7 days cooler shrink) and carried out to Cialta S.A. Meat Processor Enterprise to be disposed and marked like retail meat cuts. FW, HCW, CCW average was 417, 209±15 and 199±16 kilograms, respectively. Yield of retail meat from front and rear-quarters, canner, bone-cut and subproducts were 50, 55, 15, 60 and 17 kilograms respectively. Averages meat cuts boneless were satisfactory, indicated it is possible produce meat from culling zebu cows younger than 6 years old with good yield levels to retail meat market