Use Of Efficient Microorganisms In Breeding Brahman Heifers At Semi- Intensive Pasture In Palmira, Valle Del Cauca
Revista Ciencia Animal


This study was conducted to research the effect of Efficient Microorganisms (EM) in twenty wean Brahman heifers in a system of semi-intensive pasture with Cynodon nlemfluensis, Saccharum officinarum, Gliricidia sepium and a probiotic that is EM. The variables evaluated were: Daily Weight Gain (DWG) and final weight (FW). The average DWG was 682,4gr in animals that EM was added in the supplement Vs. 418,5gr in animals without EM. The FW of animals with EM in their meals was 21,4 kg more than those which didn’t receive EM. In the in vitro gas production results for parameter “a” (Maximum Gas Production per ml) it was found that the supplement mixture with EM had a lower production of gas (20,40ml) than the one with animals without EM (21,44 ml). For parameter “b” (Speed or production rate of gas ml/hr) the mixture of the supplement with EM had a faster speed (0,060 ml / hr) than the one without EM (0,058 ml / hr). For parameter “c” (delay time or Lag per hours) the mixture of the supplement with EM had a longer time for degradation (0,813horas) compared to the mixture without EM which was 0,71 hours. As a conclusion, the results show that the use of EM as an additive improve the WGD and the FW
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Cynodon nlemfluensis
Saccharum officinarum
Gliricidia sepium
degradación in vitro

How to Cite

Bueno, C. A., & Lesmes, N. . (2008). Use Of Efficient Microorganisms In Breeding Brahman Heifers At Semi- Intensive Pasture In Palmira, Valle Del Cauca. Revista Ciencia Animal, 1(1), 17-25.