Diagnosis of the state of preservation of photographic collections in the National Archive of the Republic of Cuba


The objective of this study was to perform a comprehensive diagnosis which comprised the constructive state of the photographic repository, the state of preservation of three photographic collections of great historical and patrimonial value through the statistical method Fotodiagnos, and the analysis of temperature and relative humidity of that repository in a period of three months. The collections studied were: “Construction of the Presidential Palace”, consisting of 62 photos; 53 photos were analysed using Fotodiagnos; “Captain Generals”, consisting of 164 photos; 115 photos were analyzed, and finally “Presidents of the Republic of Cuba”, consisting of 2 713 photos; only 336 photos were analysed with this method. The total number of photos planned to be evaluated in the whole three collections was 3 165. However, thanks to Fotodiagnos it was only necessary to evaluate 504 pictures. Most of them are in paper and gelatine support. The prevailing symptoms of deterioration were: dirt, yellowish appearance, silver mirror, fading of image and/or discolorations, stains different from oxide, breaks, previous repairs made with scotch tape and glued papers. Though the constructive conditions of this repository are not bad, there are cracks all over as a consequence of the explosion of the steam ship “La Coubre”. The determinations of temperature and mean relative humidity in the quarter studied were: 24,9 ºC and 75%, respectively, both values above the recommended. Bearing in mind these results, we recommend to repair the photos affected and to install a dehumidifier in order to keep the relative humidity in the adequate values
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signs of deterioration