Strategies for municipal archive management: a proposal of document identification and assesment in fifth and sixth category towns


This article presents, first of all, the methodological model applied to develop this research, which describes the type of study, population and the analyzed sample, as well as the proposed objectives. Then, document assessment models from Spain, France, Mexico and the United States are studied as a theoretical basis to build the research work. On the other hand, in order to identify different elements in the process of document assessment, an analysis and interpretation of the concept of Serie Documenta and a new concept is proposed as a starting point to establish the identification and conformation criteria for document series.Later, it presents considerations in terms of document assessment such as: analysis of regulations, frequency of consultation, political and social situation of the time internal knowledge of the organization and the new technological development. Finally, it presents some results regarding the frequency of the document series and subseries and the application of the proposed methodological criteria
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document serie
document identification
document assessment
Archive National System