La velozfilia and la velozfobia in University Academy


The following reflection is intended to analyze the categories of performativity, velozfilia and velozfobia in the academic setting of universities. These notions show a shift from that illustrating modernity that promoted emancipation, community and equality towards a postmodernity that promotes the performativity of utility, functionality and operability. This new era of effectiveness has brought social dynamism, such as a profound velozfilia and velozfobia, expressed in the daily activities of men. These philic and phobic phenomena have become a vicious circle, expressed as a hedonistic anxiety and an addiction to productivity.
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How to Cite

Castañeda Lozano, Y. . (2015). La velozfilia and la velozfobia in University Academy. IM-Pertinente, 3(1), 113-121.