Vol. 2 No. 1 (2011)
Una Salud. Revista Sapuvet de Salud Pública


Parasitic zoonoses in pet dogs and cats of primary school children of northern cone of Lima, Peru
Norma Noé Mocetti, Francisco Ulloa S., Paola Peña B., Débora Santos V., Carla Fernández C., Henry Anchante H., Angélica Terashima I., Amanda Chávez V., Néstor Falcón P. (Author)
15 - 24
Persistence of environmental pollution by eggs of toxocara cati in a public space. Argentina
Betina Daprato, Natalia Cardillo, Martín Kunic, Yanina Berra, Irma Sommerfelt (Author)
25 - 35
Socioeconomic importance of brucellosis
María Luisa Canal Barquero (Author)
51 - 61
Methods for dog population control: an introduction
Mario Alberto Muñoz Rojas, Ivonne Melissa Vargas Rodríguez, Diego Soler-Tovar (Author)
63 - 79
Zoonotic Disease Risks and Agritourism in the Netherlands: A Review
Isaura I.Y.A.Wayop, Paul A.M. Overgaauw, Liny E.C. Keessen (Author)
81 - 112