Pets for humans in the bioethics animal pratices’ context: kyron to rescue their own
Una Salud. Revista Sapuvet de Salud Pública


Animals have been reduced by contemporary society to certain uses or specific utilities. Culture determines massive behaviors towards these live forms. Social ways to assume these beings, such as companion animals, posses effects for their physical and mental health. Consequently, a new understanding of animals may contribute in a better form for their welfare. Centaur Kyron, medical symbol for human and veterinary practice, offers good elements to support this attitudinal change in front of a context of mistreat and abuse against the professional reason of being for veterinary medicine.
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animal symbolism
Animal Bioethics

How to Cite

Roa-Castellanos, R. . (2011). Pets for humans in the bioethics animal pratices’ context: kyron to rescue their own. Una Salud. Revista Sapuvet De Salud Pública, 2(1), 37-50.