From Rural to Urban Areas: Analysis of the Influence of Deruralization on the Interaction of the Early Inhabitants of Suba


This article stems from a broader research project, whose focus is the urbanization process in the locality of Suba, Bogotá, and the way in which social relations between the early inhabitants who lived this transformation are formed. This is a theoretical-empirical approach on how to treat this social phenomenon, where Suba becomes a territory that goes from having a small, rural population, to a large population engaged in city life. Based on the memories of people who lived in the municipality of Suba until its transformation as a locality, this urbanization process affecting its inhabitants, both socially and in everyday life, is analyzed. The intention is to show, through collective memory, how people who lived in the municipality of Suba maintain some forms of rural life and how they change their everyday life to a city life. The memory constructed from interviews with families, visits and the gathering of a small photo archive of family albums gives an account of the before and after of the urbanization process reconstructed and analyzed in this paper.
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Urbanization process
collective memory
rural areas
urban space

How to Cite

González Rojas, N. . (2013). From Rural to Urban Areas: Analysis of the Influence of Deruralization on the Interaction of the Early Inhabitants of Suba. Traza, 1(8), 88-104.