Reflection on the politics of attention to the population victim of the forced displacemtnt for cause of the violence in Colombia


At the present time it is developed in the country a debate on the reaches from the politics of attention to population in displacement situation, as for the existence of breaches among the formulation, intentions, focus of the politics and their impact in the population in terms of restitution of harmed rights, commitment of the State accepted by the national and international normatively. From a posture with perspective of rights, a partial exam, I formulate the question which some advances and restrictions of the institutional answer are, of the public politics for the attention to this population. Finally I propose some considerations and rules for the intervention of Social Work. The displacement forced by the violence, is today in Colombia a complex situation that has multiple causations, expressions or manifestations, grades of affectation and damage for the civil population, actors fundamental victims of the armed conflict. Of this population those most affected ones, are those and the children, women, indigenous population and afrodescendientes. It is important to recognize the width of the legal and normative mark for the attention to the population in displacement situation in the country, from the national plan for the integral attention to the population displaced by the violence. A Sentence of the Constitutional Court constitutes an answer to the displaced population’s fight, for its rights; their protection demand, attention and reestablishment of the conditions of life; it points out an orientation for the politics of attention to this population, from the focus of rights, positive differentiation, non discrimination, attention integral transectorial, opportune and effective. The politics’ positive aspects are: advance of the normative mark that typifies the displacement like hurt humanity’s crime and crime of war. Dignity in correspondence with the human rights to the life, health, education, participation, to the well-being.
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forced displacement
social politics