Socialization and daily life: children’s sociocultural patterns and girls in street situation in the center of Bogota


The investigation has as an aim to in center identify the present sociocultural landlords in the children and children in situation of street of Bogota from its process of socialization in the family, the street and the institution; they are three scenes of its daily life where it interacts and pass on saberes, norms, values and customs that is part of social dynamics undertaking therefore the trajectories of life of the social subjects like a system of senses, beliefs and meaning that are constructed day to day; it is a process of constant change that is acquired in the different scopes of socialization; in addition, this subject has not been study object, reason for which will serve again contributes to the field of social and human sciences. The object of study of this investigation concentrated in identifying the sociocultural landlords of children and children in street situation during them process of socialization in the family, street and the institutions of attention. In first instance the present sociocultural landlords in the families of origin of and the young ones in street situation described themselves; secondly, the sociocultural landlords characterized themselves that assume the children and children during their permanence in the street; like third moment, those sociocultural landlords offered by the institutions of attention identified themselves and finally the continuities and ruptures of the present sociocultural landlords in the three surroundings of socialization of the children and children in street situation were characterized. In the zones of downtown of Bogotá, the increase of families, women is demonstrated, children and children who participate in the street dynamics and find in conditions of marginality, because they do not replace the basic needs, because totally they do not have a labor and economic stability; therefore, they make of the streets a dependency space and searches carefully of some resources that help them to satisfy some with his needs, without leaving to a side the risks that can have when resorting to means of subsistence like begging, she searches carefully and the theft.
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children and children in situation of street
sociocultural family
daily life