Collective experiences in women voices. Organizational experiments with groups of agricultural, native, afrocolombian and trade unionist women


The present article demonstrates the results and principal reflections about an experience of research that It seek to contribute to the knowledge of the reality of the women, from them particularities, experiences and them Feelings. There was analyzed the organizational experience of a group of women in feminine organizations: Asociación Nacional de Mujeres Campesinas e Indígenas – ANMUCIC–, Corporación Centro de Desarrollo Comunitario –CODEC (rural), Corriente de Mujeres Sindicalistas Filiales a la CUT (union of syndicalist); Wayuumunsurat (indigenous) Asociación Multiétnica de la Mujer Colombiana –AMUCOL–, Red Nacional de Mujeres Afrocolombianas (afrocolombian). All of them, they allowed to know the factors that motivate the women to the organization, as well as the obstacles and facilitators who determine the above mentioned experience and the subjective or personal, familiar (family) changes and of context that they emerge from them organizational process. The research construct from a process of qualitative character, which allowed to study the reality of the women from them context and them subjectivities; the contributions of the critical social approach extended the look to question and to discuss the inequity and existing inequality in the established order. The organization of the women is a form of emancipation and recovery of rights, in which the women question them situation of subordination and tackle actions to transform and to contribute to the most equitable construction of a society man–to– man and women.
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motivations obstacles