Vol. 4 No. 1 (2011)



Associativity, Social Capital and Innovation Networks in Rural Economics
Mónica Andrea Rueda Galvis, John Harold Muñoz Rojas (Author)
27 - 41
Approach to Entrepreneurship from a Perspective of Innovation: The Case of SME in Bogota, D.C.
Jaime Augusto Porras Jiménez, Ómar Andrés Sierra Morales (Author)
43 - 61
Knowledge Transfer in Farmalógica S.A.
Olga Lucía Díaz Villamizar (Author)
63 - 74
Initial Considerations about Social Marketing
Diego Rafael Roberto Cabrera Moya, Gloria Liliana Santa Álvarez, José Rodrigo Mondragón Ávila (Author)
175 - 188

Artículo de Revisión

Corruption: A Description of the Concept and the Methodological Limitations to Measure It
Jorge Enrique Saiz Vélez, Sergio Iván Mantilla Bautista, Jesús María Cárdenas Beltrán (Author)
77 - 100