No. 15 (2010)


Revista Épsilon (Author)
139 - 140


User’s information systems as a component in the quality of urban mobility
Carlos Felipe Urazán Bonells, Edder Alexander Velandia Durán (Author)
169 - 179
The behavior of heavy metals in soil
Maritza Reyez Guzmán (Author)
181 - 189
Assessment of environmental deterioration of habitats associated to amphibians ecosystems of Amazon river basin
Guillermo Armando Briceño Vanegas, Jorge Alberto Briceño Vanegas, Julie Carolina Gallego Herrera (Author)
203 - 219
Influence of time Variation of Phenols and organic matter on the degradation Capacity of bacterial biota in an anaerobic Plug flow reactor
Javier Mauricio González Díaz, Lady Catalina Celis Quintero, William Rodrigo Castañeda Beltrán (Author)
221 - 235