Negro river hydraulic model at km 20 + 100, route pacho – la palma to establish alternatives to mitigate the undermining


With the objective to find solutions to mitigate the risk of undermining in the km 20+ 100, route Pacho - La Palma it was a hydraulic model construction that was tested with different flowrate and structures of dissipation of energy. From the results obtained in the model, stipulated levels of water and wet area for each section, which served as the basis for determining the power lines on the shaft layout for each trial. The flow rate used in the tests corresponds to an average - and maximum flow rate, observed by stations IDEAM (Hydrological Institute of Meteorology and Environmental Studies). We compared power lines resulting from the analysis of the trials, establishing conditions for medium and maximum flow, better structure mitigates the effect of undermining produced by the Negro river on the road
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Hydraulic model
structures of dissipation
geological control
Negro River