Characterization of Pathologies Associated with the Action of Plant Species in a Road West of the Sabana de Bogotá


This paper presents the results of a descriptive research seeking to establish links between the type, nature and characteristics of different pathologies identified in flexible pavement structures and plants species found in the immediate vicinity of three deteriorated road sections resting on clayey subgrades between Siberia and the Tenjo municipality, west of the Sabana de Bogotá. Clayey materials have volumetric changes associated with the actions of the roots of plant species, leading to water losses and increases in pore-water, causing irreversible deformations in the affected roads. This problem has decreased the service level of the roads, thus becoming a negative, high impact factor for the development of the communities in this area. A detailed survey of the types of pathologies present was made, using the PCI manual on damages. At the same time, the trees present were characterized in detail, considering their relative location with respect to the road sections analyzed. Frequency diagrams were prepared, correlating the type, number and size of plant species with the number and type of pathologies, in order to make inferences about the identified trends. It was found that the number of damages associated with the action of plant species is proportional to the size of the species and their water consumption, regardless of the origin of the identified trees
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flexible pavements
plant species
matrix suction