Marketing, Organizational, and Knowledge Factors for Introducing Companies into the Real World
Gestión y Sociedad


This work aims to identify the marketing and knowledge factors that allow companies to act in a competitive way in a globalized world. Three marketing and three knowledge and organizational factors were identified as factors that increase competitiveness in companies, improve their processes and manage their knowledge when being introduced into international markets. A non-experimental cross-sectional descriptive case study was carried out with 52 companies belonging to Manizales Marketplace. Regarding the marketing factors, it was found that the participating companies need to migrate from the 20th to the 21st Century; this means they have to incorporate a holistic marketing that fits the company’s conditions and the market’s demands. Regarding organizational factors, it was found that there is a planted seed in the knowledge management field, but it has not yet been implemented among companies. This leads to the conclusion that it is necessary to intervene the identified factors with support and follow-up mechanisms that allow the articulation of the University-Company-State relationship, in order to venture and survive successfully in the international markets.
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international trade
intangible assets

How to Cite

Carvajal, M. ., & López Lozano, J. . (2013). Marketing, Organizational, and Knowledge Factors for Introducing Companies into the Real World. Gestión Y Sociedad, 6(2), 49-68.