Cooperativas de trabajo asociado: reflexión sobre compensaciones y solidaridad
Gestión y Sociedad


This article is included in Analysis of the Compensation and Solidarity Management in Associated Worker Co-operatives –AWC– of Bogota, an investigation where theoretical issues are being developed. A goal is establishing remunerated-worker guarantees and stability for Bogota AWC members in order to set up whether co-operatives are really fair or a good employment option because they have been introduced as a source to struggle against the current job crisis in Colombia. The first managerial reflection indicates that AWCs promote a relationship type rather different from a dependent-or-independent employment source. Objective: guarantee jobs for any member by developing economic activities according to a strategic definition. In this kind of co-operatives the members share work, property, management, and benefits of the work associative company. A second managerial reflection generates a basic variable: a theoretical study and a deepening of solidarity, shared economy, principles and values, all of those concepts supported by prominent authors like Pablo Guerra, Hernando Zabala, Luis Razeto, among others. Also, develops a rigorous process to establish interpretation matrices – including relevant variables in a solidarity context so they let to analyze the AWC management.
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Associated Worker Co-operatives
shared economy

How to Cite

Pabón Pérez, H. L. (2009). Cooperativas de trabajo asociado: reflexión sobre compensaciones y solidaridad. Gestión Y Sociedad, 2(2), 163-175.