Monotonic Strength Prediction of an Asphalt Mixture under Environmental Conditions in Bogotá D.C.


The main causes of deterioration of flexible pavement mixture’ structure are the result of the load imposed by traffic and environmental agents. Quantifying the environment’s influence on the behavior shown in this type of material is a complex thing to do because, at the real conditions, asphalt mixture properties mostly change due to the effect of water, air, temperature changes or a combination of air-water-temperature. This paper presents an accelerated test method to try and predict the effect that environmental conditions in Bogotá D.C. have over mechanical strength when submitted to monotonic load at an indirect test of tension of an asphalt concrete mix, type MDC-2. This methodology must be considered as a first approximation. The results reported in this paper are an encouragement to continue with the other phases of the project in order to sustain a more accurate and proper methodology to predict the behavior of asphalt mixtures submitted to real environment conditions in the future
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asphalt mixture
environmental conditions