Implosive Development of Single-Family Housing as a Safe Progressive Construction Alternative


Housing projects in Colombia mostly consist in multiple-family (apartment) or single-family (house) housing. The former restricts the possibility of spatial expansion and its built-up area is usually smaller than that of their former type of house (informal). In the case of single-family housing (houses), expansions made by the owner — which are proportional to the economic resources that are available to him (progressive housing) — are assumed not to adhere to the plans and instructions of the basic unit constructor under the provisions of seismic regulations. This paper proposes an implosive, single-family social interest housing model that delivers a fully closed, double height structure with the minimum room facilities. Progressive development consists in the staircase structure and mezzanine in a lightweight and low cost material in order to facilitate and speed up the construction process, significantly decreasing the house’s risk of collapse in the event of a natural event. It also offers the advantage of extending the useful area of the house
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open development
implosive development
priority interest housing
social interest housing