This paper presents the results of the study of the influence of the overconsolidation ratio and in the coefficient of lateral earth pressure at rest (Ko) of a group of clays affected by desiccation. The experimental research conducted was based on oedometer tests on samples taken in horizontal and vertical plane directions, where the respective ratio of the effective preconsolidation pressure found is directly associated with a Ko value. These values were compared to other estimated values, based on the matrix suction increases in the saturated interval, assuming that the material is isotropic, elastic and incompressible in its solid and liquid phases. It was found that the Ko values range between 1.21 and 0.27 in the studied profile, with the higher values near the surface and a significant decrease in magnitude with depth. This is consistent with recent history of stress in the subsoil, related to the equilibrium water content processes that have taken place in the area