Physical Model for an Experimental Study of Bottom Intake Racks


This paper studies the hydraulic efficiency of racks in bottom intakes through a 1:4 scale physical model, used to study the most relevant variables for designing this element, such as: slope of the rack in flow direction, gap between bars and diameter thereof, tested in 36 different arrangements accepted by the Technical regulations of the potable water and basic sanitation industry (RAS, 2000). By adapting Froude’s similarity criterion, the different variables were scaled in order to gain greater control over them in the laboratory; the study consists in finding the right combination that results in the best efficiency regarding captured flow and design flow
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water intakes
bottom intake
hydraulic model

How to Cite

Ayala Rojas, L. E., Díaz Camargo, A. F., & Luna Liz, C. C. (2015). Physical Model for an Experimental Study of Bottom Intake Racks. Épsilon, 1(25), 121-137.