Understanding criticizes of conceptions and focuses of Development from Social Work: Documental investigation. This articulate present the main discoveries first I surrender of the work of grade titled “understanding it criticizes of conceptions and focuses of the Development from Social Work: Documental” investigation, carried out by a team of three people, between the 2007 and first cycle of 2008; it contributes to the construction line to discipline of the ability of Social Work of the University of the you Leave him/her. This qualitative investigation, of character criticizes and historical focus. hermeneutic, he/she looked for to interpret conceptions and focuses of the Development and its appropriation critically from Social Work in 40 texts of the profession (books, magazine articles and reports); the information was gathered in to obtain of RATS (Analytic Summaries of Social Work) and thematic records and the interpretation process was carried out by means of content analysis; technical that facilitated to categorize, to understand and to interpret the information. It was identified: traditional conceptions in that he/she registers the focus of the economic Development; alternative conceptions that show up as options to development; they refer focuses from the Development, sustainable, to human scale, freedom, local and integral and lastly the emergent conceptions with the postdesarrollo focus which is projected as an action field for those and the professionals of Social Work interested in the context of the Development. He/she shows up methodological design; relating; main discoveries in relation to the concept of the Development given by those and the professionals of Social Work; context of the focus of economic Development; he/she closes giving to know the conclusions of the investigation referred to this conception.