Mapas conceptuales en el aprendizaje de matemáticas financieras
Gestión y Sociedad


Given intricacy and a higher student dropout in financial mathematics, a basic knowledge for financial discipline there is a need to rethink their teaching according to new proposals by learning scholars. Using tools through education-and-psychology tools, such as concept maps and UV heuristics it is possible to improve the quality to learn financial mathematics. This article is about to show that difference between simple interest and compound interest is easier to understand if we correlate the concept of arithmetic progression and geometric progression, respectively
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Concept map
UV heuristics
arithmetic progression
geometric progression
simple interest
compound interest

How to Cite

Lara Triana, H. . (2010). Mapas conceptuales en el aprendizaje de matemáticas financieras. Gestión Y Sociedad, 3(1), 171-178.