<p>This paper aims to demonstrate how entities from solidarity sector are perceived and shown, according to their financial information, towards the situation generated by the internationalization of the economy. This text is based on a document written by the author entitled “TLC and Solidarity Economy Sector” which was used to produce the an article for the Unircoop network book “The role of Cooperatives in a globalised world”. This paper was supported by: a) 8 round tables organized according to economical activity, with participation of sector leaders and specialists, b) implementation of an instrument with the aim of identifying the status of solidarity sector in response to investigations development, technology, training and knowledge of TLC, c) Review of secondary sources, d) analysis of current conditions in the sector (cross type) based on financial information December 2003 (statistical data was updated to December 2006 for this paper) to dimension organizations size, geographical distribution, allocation depending on economical activity according to CIIU, studies and informatics investment and projects.</p>