Jóvenes emprendedores, ¿cómo son?


Entrepreneurs are innovative and risky people that identify opportunities and give solutions to troubles; they are important since both the intention of the creation of enterprises and its participation in public or private, institutional, enterprise or social ambit. Despite of the adverse conditions the Colombian entrepreneurs get to achieve the entrepreneur efforts. This investigation is of the exploratory kind and aspires to contribute to the characterization of the Colombian entrepreneurs based on the answers of 130 young students in middle stratum of Bogotá. From the analysis of the inquiries it is observed that a higher level of formation of young people generates more optimism at the possibility of job; more young people have worked with high academic level and entrepreneur parents. While there is the intention of entrepreneurship in the young people for creating of enterprise its start-up is less, in both men and women; is possible that it is a consequence of the difficulties and risks perceived by young people to create enterprise in Colombia. Some difficulties like the financial supportlessness, the procedures and the economical situation of the country, are risks generated by the salary insecurity, the fear to be ruined or to personal failure, these are not different to the reality lived in the Latin-American countries. The polled young people are potential entrepreneurs and businessmen, this is why it exist the need to seize and motivate these tendencies since the education and the public or private institutional support.
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enterprises creation
young people