Destrucción de residuos de piridina y policlorobifenilos (PCB) según datos obtenidos de una unidad de OASC a escala de laboratorio y de las simulaciones CFD de un reactor de la planta piloto


The scale-up of supercritical water oxidation processes depends on the development of simulation tools that can be effectively used to predict the behavior of pilot plant reactor systems based on experimental information obtained at lab scale. In this work, the CFD simulations of a pilot plant reactor treating pyridine and PCB s wastes are carried out with the commercial CFD code COMSOL Multiphysics 3.3, based on experimental information obtained in a continuous lab scale supercritical water oxidation unit. The simulation results showed that the operation of both systems is safe as there is not hot points at the reactor entrance and the obtained conversion at the optimum temperature, pressure, oxygen excess and residence time found in the experimental study was higher than 99,99%
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