How to manage a local area network?


The best networks work so efficiently that we do not notice them. lt is only possible through an infrastructure of management of organized network, which allows an efficient informationinterchange and processing, the network resources are used are optimally with a high satisfaction by users. In few words, it means to have a quality of service appropriate to entrepreneurial needs. The management of a local area network comprises a series of activities such as failure management, configuration, accounting, secu rity, inventory, network mapping and infrastructure. Each one must take care of the details. We have to take into account that networks are synergic systems; it implies that a failure in any of the areas will have direct effects on the performance of the whole network. This article intends to present a theoretical and practical view of how to manage a local area network efficiently and effectively in order to have a high satisfaction by users
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network management
quality of service
local area network
traffic analysis
security in networks