Focal mechanism and depth assessment by using a single broadband station


A better understanding of seismic phenomena has emerged because of the continuous improvement of seismology instruments and computational infrastructure. Until recently a network around the seismogenetic source was needed in order to assess the focal mechanism from a seismological perspective. It is well known that everyday, institutions like Harvard University, The United States Geological Survey and the Earthquake Research Institute from Tokyo University analyse and report, almost in real time, the focal mechanisms of events with magnitudes greater than 5.5 happening anywhere around the world. Only local or regional seismic networks are able to analyze events smaller than 5.5. In some countries seismic networks are not so compact and some others lack of broadband stations. This fact makes the study of seismogenetic sources difficult. This article presents the application of an analysis methodology of focal mechanisms using broadband records for epicentre distances shorter than 5 degrees using a single station
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Focal Mechanism

How to Cite

Alfaro Castillo, A. J. (2006). Focal mechanism and depth assessment by using a single broadband station. Épsilon, 1(7), 79-86.