Scientific bases of development of the subway system as a solution to massive transportation in big cities


This article presents a summary of basic causes that gave rise to the critical problem of passenger mass transit in big cities and accounts for some conclusions of various important conferencesworldwide where the tendencies towards improving mobility of passengers in the megapolis of the world have been discussed. It also shows the characteristics and general benefits of the Subway as the fundamental element of the public transportation system for passengers, and an effective solution for this problem. Finally, it analyses the economic benefits related to the social component that have to be born in mind to improve the cost-benefit balance, which can contribute to future development programmes of urban transport in Colombia
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public transportation
transport system

How to Cite

Torres Prada, A. C. (2006). Scientific bases of development of the subway system as a solution to massive transportation in big cities. Épsilon, 1(7), 23-29.