Experimental model for studying energy dissipation by gabions in homogeneous channels for flood control


The study of the energy dissipation using gabion structures, was made in a model built in scale 1:10 simulating a current with transport of flow of 5 m3/seg, withwide of reserve of 5 m, maximum depth of 4.5 m and 4000 meters of length. Keeping in mind that the gabion structures in are a simple technique to make hydraulic structures of low cost and it releases duration in countries in development, the intrinsic flexibility of the frame of the gabions is subject to tension and alternating compression, allows them to work without breaking, and it is avoided this way them to lose its structural effectiveness. The investigation is focused to describe the flows it has more than enough gabions in comparison with those staggered of common construction, for homogeneous channels, qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the energy dissipation for the proposed system of gabions in comparison with steps in short, deformation in the gabions and factors that affect the resistance and duration of the same ones, studies for the prevention of floods with the use of built energy dissipated with walls in gabion
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