Simulation of Dispersion of Particulate Matter Resulting from Port Activities in Santa Marta


The air in Santa Marta, one of the main tourist destinations in the Colombian Caribbean, and a city with a significant population settlement, shows signs of pollution. The present research determined the time-space variation of suspended particulate matter (SPT) and of the breathable fraction (PM10) generated by the port activity in Santa Marta, using high volume samplers (Hi-Vol) and the standard EPA 40 CFR Pt. 50 App. B and EPA 40 CFR Pt. 50 App. J methodology. The dispersion of pollutants, in terms of concentration, was estimated using the Industrial Source Complex Short Term (ISCST) and Offshore Coastal Dispersion (OCD) models. Results show that Santa Marta is in violation of threshold levels for PST and PM10 with concentrations predominantly in the city’s north and south
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Particulate Matter
Santa Marta

How to Cite

Vergara Vásquez, E. ., & García Rentería, F. . (2013). Simulation of Dispersion of Particulate Matter Resulting from Port Activities in Santa Marta. Épsilon, 1(21), 41-55.