Rural Women in Socially Responsible Rural Development


The paper aims to share the successful experience of the Municipal Association of Rural Women of Lebrija (Ammucale), a group from the organized rural sector with the purpose of fighting for better living conditions and dignity. According to responsible socioeconomics, agro-industrial processes and reorientation of agricultural exploitation are the basis of proposals for strengthening the community in the Municipality of Lebrija (Santander, Colombia). The study was based on the methodology of participatory action research, proposed by Tomás Villasante, Manuel Montañés and Joel Martí, to analyze and better understand the reality of the population and thus make it possible to plan actions for improving their condition. It also promotes effective tools that contribute to achieving sustainable development in the region based on agroecology, and the empowerment of women as active agents in social change.
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Sustainable rural development
social responsibility
rural women
participatory action research