Description of hemoparasites in wild birds from rural areas of Valle de Aburrá and nearby areas
Revista de Medicina Veterinaria


Avian hemoparasites include protozoan organisms of the phyllum Apicomplexa and Sarcomastigophora, also like filarial nematodes of the family Onchocercidae. In Colombia, protozoans of the genera Plasmodium, Haemoproteus, Trypanosoma, and Leucocytozoon have been characterized. However, the studies have been sectorized, leaving gaps in information for the central Cordillera. In three areas in the north of the central mountain range in Antioquia, 127 individuals belonging to 60 bird species were captured between February 2020 and August 2021. Blood smears were collected and processed with Wright stain to search for hemoparasites. In 119 blood smears obtained, two parasitic forms were found in 12 individuals for a total frequency of 10.08 %. The parasitic forms recorded were compatible with the genus Haemoproteus (8.4 %) and Microfilaria (2.5 %). Haemoproteus sp. was recorded in birds of the families Cracidae, Tyrannidae, Thraupidae and Emberezidae, while Microfilaria was recorded only in species of the family Thraupidae. This work reports for the first time hemoparasite infections in the bird species Phaeomyias murina, Stilpnia vitriolina and Ortalis columbiana. These findings highlight the importance of continuing to understand hemoparasite-host interactions in wild birds, not only because of the diversity yet to be explored in this group of parasites but also because of the possible consequences for the health and conservation of their hosts.
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How to Cite

Landinez-Álvarez, V. ., Álvarez-Betancur, E. ., Sánchez-Zapata, G. Y., Úsuga-Monroy, C. ., & Gómez-Ruiz, D. A. (2024). Description of hemoparasites in wild birds from rural areas of Valle de Aburrá and nearby areas. Revista De Medicina Veterinaria, 1(49), e0007.