Analysis and Characterization of Women Entrepreneurs in the Municipality of Villamaría-Caldas (Colombia)
Equidad y Desarrollo


An empirical-exploratory study was conducted on the characteristics of women entrepreneurs and their effect on the volume of sales in the Municipality of Villamaría, Caldas. The study proposes the use of qualitative and quantitative techniques to gather information on the explanatory variables. The results of the study show that having more than five employees, operating in the local, regional and national market, using more than two social networks and having an action plan have a positive impact on the sales volume of women entrepreneurs. However, other variables such as diversification, competition and whether the businesswoman assumes risks are not significant. In addition, the cluster analysis has made it possible to identify characteristics of the profile of businesswomen in the municipality of Villamaría, Caldas, grouping them into three classes based on sales volume, number of employees, level of education, and place of operation.
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How to Cite

Hincapié Mesa, F. A., Parra Sánchez, J. H., & Duque Hurtado, P. L. (2024). Analysis and Characterization of Women Entrepreneurs in the Municipality of Villamaría-Caldas (Colombia). Equidad Y Desarrollo, 43, e1601.